Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How it all started.....

One cup of coffee, two cups of coffee, by 5 am I'm delirious from sleep deprivation and caffeine over load. Working the grave yard shift for the last 5 years has been in my opinion the main reason of my somewhat warped thinking. Or it could be that subconsciously I have the obligation to match my fiance's superb talent of comedic ability. For both reason or another, I come home to a half asleep Timmy all fired up with crazy thoughts and ideas to discuss and laugh about. Today is no exception, sipping my 3rd cup coffee (actually iced coffee I had picked up at McDonald's on my way home.) with caffeine running through my veins, Tim is in for a hell of a wake up call.

As expected, two sick minds started talking about how funny Timmy looked hairless during his chemo and how hair came back with a vengeance. Complaining about his super bush and how barbaric looking it has grown to be. I suggested he grab a bush whacker and trim the suckers. Being the recycling diva that I am with the heart of gold. I told him to save the cuttings and donate it to cancer society since the source of such incredible growth is cancer related. Cancer patients can benefit from wigs made from Timmy's uhmmmm hair or better yet start a company making wig's from human pubic hair marketing to African American consumer since hair down there are coarse and coiled. At the rate of his hair growth, he should be able to supply at least 10 wigs a week. At this time, I was dying of laughter and Tim complaining of how evil I am. My dream of being an entrepreneur on Tims behalf was abruptly ended as Timmy left the room from embarrassment. I laughed myself to sleep. Two hours later I woke myself laughing because in my dream I went to pick up Pat and Libai at the airport, on our drive back home I was telling them the whole story about the wig business venture, that I had name the company... From hair down there to hair up there, catching.... though not good enough I said.. but just the thought of pubic hair wig! LOL LOL LOL.... so damn funny. Everyone in the car was laughing hysterically and in that moment it dawn on me.... pubic wigs!!!!! PWIGS. I awoke to my own laughter vividly remembering my hilarious dream.
So ladies and gentlemen thus came PWIGGS UNLIMITED.